YEP, I'm still here. Maybe I didn't have anything to say. Or, maybe I thought the world was gonna fill up with explosive fumes from the oil spill and someone was gonna blow us all to pieces when lighting a cigarette. Or maybe I just didn't care for a while. WHATEVER, I'm sitting here now one finger punching keys to let ALL OF YOU know that it ain't over yet. The last time I was here Lia and I were doing the Shriners Circus. We survived another year. Then I went to California to do some work for my brother in law. I love northern Cali... someday maybe we'll get stuck back out there for a while again, or maybe not. Then I was really busy kicking a hacky sack and standing around with my friends. Then... Lucas, Eric, and I started talking about a trip we had thought of after we filmed the "Avatar" video. We wanted to head out west and fly some sites on the way and then fly Yosemite!!! We talked about a date, checked out the Yosemite hang glide site and signed up for a weekend. It was already full. So we signed up for the next weekend. We got a spot! Then Lucas found out about a job that needed to be done during the time of the drive. Unfortunatly for Lucas he is more responsible then either Eric or myself, so we told him to bugger off and got a rental car and left. Sorry Lucas.:-( We ended up flying 7 sites in 13 days and put over 6000 miles on the rental! Eric made a really awesome video of the trip and then had to cut about 5 min. of it out so it would fit on the WORLD WIDE WEB. it's still a cool video, just makes him look way cooler than me. and maybe I just have to be OK with the fact that he probley is anyway. Check it out on his site. Link over to the right somewhere. So I didn't get a video of my flight at Yosemite, which was INCREDIBLE!!! But some folks were there taking pictures so here are a couple they sent to us.
I hope to make a cool video of some of the footage I did get from other sites I flew and more of the story about the trip. But I don't know how yet. Till then... Peace
Friday, July 16, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
nothing exciting here
So it's been a couple weeks since i posted anything, well that's because there ain,t been much to write about. The Eagle Head nose cone spent a week in Florida with Mike and his trikes. He said it got a lot of attention and bunches of pictures taken of it, but I don't belive it won him anything, he did that just with his awesome trikes the way they are! I belive he won two catagories (can't remember what they are) this makes his forth year in a row of taking home at least one or more trophes!!! (spell trofee for me) Congrats Mike!!! You can look him up at Sky Cycle Trikes (try, and check out his site. I'd put a link but Eric ain't here to show me (again) how to do it. That's because he and Lucas are down in Florida at the Flytec Race and Rally trying to fly home to Ga. or where ever the daily winds dictate the course line. I have BIG HOPES for them as i'm one of their biggest fans and like to live through their youthful adventures without all the work or money it takes, and we know they won't get lost because they have retreive driver extrodinaire TREE DALE following them everyday. GOOD LUCK boys!!! Oh, me. Yeah... Lia and I are outside Atlanta at the largest Shrine Circus in the country (that's what i'm told, maybe the longest running) and we are just having a great time. (sarcasume) if that's how it spelled) Remember all the bad weather around the south last saturday? Well Lia got to experiance her first ever $0.00 saturday at a fair! I've been doing this so long it wasn't my first, but it still doesn't feel good. Yesterday was better but a Saturday can be up to 25% of this spot as the week days are just that, WEAK DAYS. Whatever, it's allgood and maybe i'll take a picture or two of our booth and all the Clowns that hang around it all afternoon. Many of them are in makeup. Till then... find something more interesting to look at or read.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
COOL PAINT JOB, finally done!
A friend of mine, Mike Theeke, has a buissness building ultralights and teaching people how to fly them. Sky Cycle Trikes is what they are called, and last year at the largest ultralight festival in the world (i think), Sun & Fun, Mike took the Grand Champion prize! He has won awards the last few years and has a reputation to keep up, so along with his hard work he has started adding art work to them. His father in-law is a painter and has done some beautiful flip-flop paint jobs (paint changes color with light) and some flame jobs that really grab the eye. But Mike wanted something else, something different than anything he has done or seen on a trike. So he brought me a couple pieces of fiberglass that were just made. A front fender and a nose cone. Raw fiberglass, Hmmm... I don't paint on raw stuff. I don't have a paint booth, or a large paint gun, or hundreds of dollors of auto paint, or quality clear coat to protect my artwork when I'm done. Plus it was a really cold and wet winter. So after much thought and some research I decided I didn't want to take on the prep or finish work so I took the pieces to a paint and body shop and paid to have the work done right. $350.00 later I had a nice smooth primed, painted and cleared canvas to start working on. I had the guy clear the paint so I could sand it down some to give the surface some "tooth" so my paint could have a good area to stick to. It was a pain in my butt. Trying to take a rounded shape and try and turn it into an Eagle head. A bunch of thought, tape, more thought and paint. Sandpaper and more thinking. Some more paint, then paint thinner on a rag to take it all off. Disrupted sleep, aggitated wife because of my mood swings, more taping and painting. Then it started to happen, an image that I might be able to work with. The paint I use is an old time sign painters paint and a favorite for pinstripers of the "oldschool" days. It is great paint but takes hours to dry. The work was long and painful to my simple little brain (I would venture to guess no less than 5000 strokes with the airbrush in the "texture" areas) overlays, repairs, analness) but after 30 or so hours my work was done and all I had to do was have the paint guy add a few more coats of clear. We decided to throw a bit of pearl finish in the clear to give it a shimmer in the sun that really looks great! Mike came by to pick it up, he loved the work but was caught off guard with the invoice. I HATE the buissness part of working, so after a bit of discussion and some thought on future work all was good. He will just have to get the next buyer to pay for an all original, one of a kind trike. Here are some pictures before the pieces get installed on the trike. Hope to get some after it is all put together. This first pic. is looking straight at it from the front. This is a pic. of the pieces after I paid to have them primed, painted, and cleared. Ready to start!
This is them after my paint and final clearcoats were done.
Right side, I had a small accident with my airhose and some wet paint on the bottom bit of the mouth/beak, perfect place for me to sign and date it. Like I said, it was tricky to try and make a rounded object try to take on a Eagle head shape. Think it turned out OK.?
Right side, I had a small accident with my airhose and some wet paint on the bottom bit of the mouth/beak, perfect place for me to sign and date it. Like I said, it was tricky to try and make a rounded object try to take on a Eagle head shape. Think it turned out OK.?
Left side. You can see a little of the pearl effect in this pic. but it really POPPED when seen in person. Mike is going to add a little windshield, and whatever else he can and have it on display at the Sun & Fun next week. I'm not sure he will be able to put it all together as a whole trike by then, but I'm guessing it will still get alot of attention. Will have some more pictures later. This is why my lil' sight here is called Paint2fly. I can go flying now, and buy some beers after!!!
If you see this and think you want me to paint something for you, I ain't cheap! and me Wife does not enjoy my creative moods, so she may add a "put up with me fee". Or you can get it done at the flea market. Won't hurt my feelings and it will probley be cheaper, both ways, in price and quality.
(or maybe not)
(or maybe not)
Monday, March 29, 2010
It's starting to get warmer and maybe it'll start drying out also. Hints of spring are showing themselves. Lia is busy making more Hoops and dancing with Lauren and Jen and Angela and Kelly and Eli and Doris and Roxy and ... whoever happens to stop by while ABBA is filling the LZ with thier happy sounds. Lia is rockin' the hoops at least 2 - 4 hours everyday. I try for ten minutes and start sweating and breathing hard. It really is a great workout, and fun to watch the girls learn some pretty cool tricks! (not sure how to make a new paragraph, so this is a subject change.) I got a chance to run my paraglider off the side of the mtn. the other evening. It had been a soarable day blowing a bit west with some strong thermals coming through. Maybe a dozen pilots flew. As the sun started getting lower in the sky I could tell conditions were mellowing out, so I ran home and had Lia drive me up top with the bag. It was PERFECT! I laid my wing out, got in my harness, hooked in, preflight, and with my first attempt of the year (on the paraglider) was up and off into the sky! Everyone went out and landed leaving me all alone for a 50 min. flight into the sunset!!! It was awesome. None of these pictures are from that flight, nor do they have anything to do with that flight. This first pic. is a leftover from last halloween. It is one of the CRAZIES that help keep this place what it is. He showed up at my house already a bit strange, and with a few shots of tequila and a bit of paint we were able to calm him down and send him off into the night a more happy, carefree, sort of fellow. WHY SO SERIOUS? These are the pumpkins I painted for the holiday celebration during the same time. Yep, you've already seen the snotty nose one, and then there is the swine flu guy, and the lil' eye guy. This is one of the things I try to do every year for halloween. It gives me a creative outlet and makes people smile. Or wonder whats wrong with me. Either way they are kinda fun.
This last picture was taken on one of the last days of winter. It was cold and beautiful, and as the last hint of sun left us I thought maybe i could capture the elusive (spelling?) GREEN FLASH. I didn't. I'm told that it happens more on the water than over land. Don't know what it is? Me neither, look it up and leave me a comment. Until something more exciting happens, see ya.
Friday, March 19, 2010
HoopTonic Takeover
It's everywhere I try to walk in the house! There's tape all over our table and plastic tubeing spread around like we are gonna irrigate the landing field. I think my wife has gone crazy!!! The reality is that she is diggin' the HOOP DANCE. We all played with hula hoops when we were kids, right? Well this aint yo' momma's hula hoop. Lia took a Hoop Dance class last year when we were living in California and started swingin' her hips and shaking her booty. She would go each week and learn a new move then come home and show us what to do. or at least how to try. Her sister Jessica was catching on but Chip and myself would struggle for a few minutes, start sweating and fall off to the side and let the girls do their thing. Lia ended up buying herself a couple different styles of hoops, and one for Jessica, and stayed at it everyday till we left. We drove home and got caught up in work and play and the hoops sat around for a little bit till one day Lia grabed 'em and remembered how good she was feeling when hooping everyday. So she got our friend Lauren to come out and start dancing with her, then Jen stopped by and started hooping. Then other folks would want to try but we only have two hoops. Hmmm... seems like people might enjoy this and get exercise without even knowing it because their having too much fun. We could make these things and turn other folks on to this, so we are. Lia did some research, found some materials, and started learning why they cost what they do. They aint cheap to put together and then the time it takes to wrap them in tape real pretty like is an art form that will be a great test of patience and creativity. So here she goes. She took another class last weekend down in Atlanta and is starting the process of teaching others the tricks she is learning. Already sold two Hoops and has others ready for anyone interested in a fun workout! Here are some of the colors and designs so far, and Lia will be happy to make you one to your specifications if you would like. Most of them are 42 inch hoops which move a little slower and make the learning process a little easier at the start. Lia and Lauren are using 36 inch hoops because they are getting good at it!!!
It would be really great if YOU, whoever you are that reads this, would come by and pick yourself out one that makes you feel good, so I can have some room in my house and feel good as well. Because tripping over hoops in the night when trying to use the facilities is starting to be tricky. They are only $25.00 and are made with Love. Plus it is a great workout! I belive Lia will include the first lesson with your purchase, after that it's $10.00 a lesson, plus tips. What, I'm trying to help her be a succcess.
I'm serious, they are everywhere. You can see a leg and foot with a hand holding a roll of tape at the edge of this picture. Thats my girl wraping a green and Hot pink one. Looks really cool!
St. Patricks day at Jen and Keiths. Lia and Jen and acouple from N. Carolina, Mary and Richard, Hoopin' it up around the fire warding off the rain with their Happy Dance. Lia hooped for about four hours that afternoon. She has had type 1 diabetes since childhood and with all the excercise she is getting has lowered her daily intake of insulin by half! Plus she has lost 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks!!! (workout plus watching whats she eats) Ready for that Hoop now?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Past Life screechin' to the scrapyard
It was a Dark and Gray day that they came and took her away. The mold clung to her sides like my memories of cross country travels we had made together for ten years in the early '90's to the 2000's. She had almost 50,000 miles under her when she came into my life. I more than doubled that in our time together. I could write a book, should write a book, about our adventures across and around this great nation. She took me into S. Florida down to the Keys. Up through New York where we crossed over into Canada. Across I-20 into Arizona down through Yuma where she took me into the Baja of Mexico for 15 weeks in '97. Countless states and county fairs. Illegally camped in parking lots, rest areas, dirt roads that went nowhere. Getting escourted off daytona beach while cooking dinner because the tide was coming in. Sleeping on a giant incline on Lovers lane in West Virginia till the parts store opened the next morning. Throwing parties in downtown Atlanta outside the clubs my friends bands were playing at. The stories are almost endless and very entertaining, maybe I will write them down someday. Till then, these pictures will have to help keep them alive in my head. I thought the tow truck was gonna be a little bigger than what showed up. Did the job though.
The right rear wheels were locked up, so the driver just dragged her away hoping that that they would break free once on the road. We have a real nice trench in the yard now.
The right rear wheels were locked up, so the driver just dragged her away hoping that that they would break free once on the road. We have a real nice trench in the yard now.
The wheels did not break free right away. The driver kept draggin' her while I sat and listened to the scream coming off her smoking tire. I'm not sure she wanted to leave but after about a quarter of a mile she went silent. The driver picked up some speed and a part of my past life disappeared around the corner leaving me with my memories and a open spot to put something else! Anyone have a big boat that doesn't work? Lia would really love that!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mo' Snow pics.
OK... Eric came over and helped me figure out how to git me pics. into the belly of this beast. so here you go. The first one here is a closeup of me standing behind the arm of our creation with his lil' minnie man growing out of it. Don't ask me why. Ron was working on the fellows left arm when a tumor started growing. The more Ron tried to fix it the more it started growing into a new lil' friend to keep the Big guy company through the cold dark night. Side angle shows him sitting on the first snowball we rolled up. We guess he was close to half a ton at least.
Next day showing a little loss of details. Ears disappeared with the snow on the ground.
Ron, Eric, and Meself, just to show the size of our new friend before he goes away.
Next day showing a little loss of details. Ears disappeared with the snow on the ground.
Ron, Eric, and Meself, just to show the size of our new friend before he goes away.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
SNOW AGAIN ! ! ! ?
Yep, it snowed again tuesday morning for 'bout 3 hours or so. It was a wet snow, good n sticky. A few of us got bundled up to go out and brave the conditions long enough to create a big 8 foot tall snow critter. We started with no idea of what we were doing, just roll snowballs till they are to big to move any further. Then try to pick 'em up and stack 'em. Took 3 of us to push the bottom to the build site and then pick up the second lump to start the ART. We kept stacking till we could reach know higher then started packing, molding, and scraping snow till something started to show itself. Still not sure what it is that came to life, but we had a great time and laughed alot! I took some pictures but can't seem to get 'em over here yet, so GO TO ERIC'S BLOG and look at them there. He has one of me looking from behind the head (and the little wierd minnie man that grew on the snowmans arm) and I'm standing up at my regular height.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lucas has posted his AVATAR video that I got to be a part of. The hair and makeup people worked on Eric and I as long as they could, but i'm not sure it was worth all the money Lucas spent on them. I look OK, but they really had a hard time trying to make Eric look cool. Finally we told him to put the hat back on and try not to say to much. I don't think he messed it up to bad.
I have a link to Lucas site over to the right somewhere. Click on that then his video. Then keep up with what he is doing by clicking on his "subscribe" button. Hope you enjoy, leave him a comment and tell him what you think. (he likes it if you make fun of him) or you can watch his videos on YOUTUBE under his "alta8bird" name. whatever way, WATCH 'EM !!!
I have a link to Lucas site over to the right somewhere. Click on that then his video. Then keep up with what he is doing by clicking on his "subscribe" button. Hope you enjoy, leave him a comment and tell him what you think. (he likes it if you make fun of him) or you can watch his videos on YOUTUBE under his "alta8bird" name. whatever way, WATCH 'EM !!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lucas is BLUE and I got 2 fly 2
yes, this image could be disturbing to sensitive viewers. It was for us. I think he liked the outfit so much he slept in it that night. Lil' weirdo.
Friday Lucas asked Eric and I to help him with another video. He bought us lunch and told us our job would be to make fun of him. We both like food and teasing Lucas is already one of our favorite things to do anyway, so we were in. Plus we were going to get to fly! First we had to get the boy ready for the abuse. He came over to my work trailer (in tights) and started putting on makeup. Eric and I started doing our job and Lucas told us it wasn't time yet. (he is in tights with makeup on and it wasn't time to start laughing at him?) I fired up my compressor and sprayed a few lines and dots with the airbrush to finish off his new look. We headed up to the bandit launch and did some filming and laughed alot. There were many other folks who I guess thought they were part of the project because everyone was pointing and laughing at him. Strangers driving down the road were slowing down with their cell phones out the windows taking pictures. We had alot of fun and then got to FLY!!! He should have it all edited sometime soon and will be posting it on his site, I think. I took a picture of him to show my little bit of work but I'm not gonna tell you what his video is about. You might have an idea from the shot.
Flew again yesterday. It was like spring, warm and sunny, lots O' folks set up on launch, and thermals every where!!! Well not every where, but many of us found them. Lots of turning and a little patience and i was watching Eric do his thing (rampdives and BIG wingovers) from above! Got up to 5800 ft. and it was cold. Flew out over the valley and boated around then back to the mtn. where Eric started doing his thing with me. His wing is much faster than mine so he just plays with me like a shark that really isn't hungry, just bored. I thought about unzipping my harness and kicking his glider (or peeing on it) he was so close acouple of times. I have alot of trust in Erics flying skills so I never showed my fear of a midair collision. I let him lead the sky dance. We stayed with each other all the way to the ground landing within seconds of one another. These are the kind of days that make living through a winter in the LZ worth it. Hope it stays like his till fall!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I can't believe that my little brothers oldest child is really turning 11 years old today. How did this happen? It seems like just a few years ago I was painting your Winnie the Pooh room cause your Mom and Dad were gettin' ready to have a cute little baby. Now look whats happened. You for sure are not a baby anymore, your like, over 5 feet tall or something crazy like that. And I'm not sure your that cute either. OH YEA, I'm sure the GIRLS at your school all think your CUTE. and I'd bet that your Mother and Grandparents might call you cute. But your 11 now, and your just about at the point where you might have to accept the fact that maybe your just a Handsome young Man! We are super proud of you and how smart you are getting. Lia and I wish we lived a little closer so we could go have some YUMMY birthday dinner with you tonight, but we don't. I'd like to say that we are gonna come down for the party, but we aren't. I have a job today with my cool friend Lucas. He is making another BIG MONEY video and i'm the only one he trust to help him. (or maybe he thinks I'll do it for free) ANYWAY, if Grandma makes you a cake, could you save a piece or two for us? You can bring 'em up when you come visit. I bet we could get you a hang glider flight if you do!!! or maybe we will just see you when we see you. A tandem flight for your BIRTHDAY? Hum... yea, maybe we can do that!!! This is how happy i am that it's your BIRTHDAY!!! ^
This is what we WOULD LIKE to give you for your BIRTHDAY!!! ^
BUT, this is what we DID get you for your BIRTHDAY!!! I don't think Lia has eaten all the candy yet, and I will hide the money and keep it safe for when we do see you. I hope you enjoy your VIRTUAL birthday card and the HUNDERED dollar bill!!! You've got a printer, don't you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We LOVE YOU, from your Uncle Scott and Aunt Lia
BUT, this is what we DID get you for your BIRTHDAY!!! I don't think Lia has eaten all the candy yet, and I will hide the money and keep it safe for when we do see you. I hope you enjoy your VIRTUAL birthday card and the HUNDERED dollar bill!!! You've got a printer, don't you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We LOVE YOU, from your Uncle Scott and Aunt Lia
Thursday, February 18, 2010
To the POINT and WHACK
It was a COLD and BLOWY kinda day for flyin' but when it's good ya just gotta get it while you can! I think it was 7 of us went up top yesterday afternoon to git our selves a bit of air under our feet. Mike Barbie and JC flew earlier in the day and got SPANKED a bit on the way into the field for thier landings. Watching thier approaches made me want to wait till later in the day so maybe the air could mellow out a little more. It did. I believe it was around 4:30 when the first pilot (Pablo) took to the air. It had mellowed down to 15-20 blowing staight in, so with a little help from our friends (5 man wirecrew) we started getting off launch. I was the 6th one to get off and hung around launch for a bit when I realized half the folks I was flying with were gone. BUGGER ALL. They headed to the point, without me.! I've only made this flight 50 or so times over the years and it never gets old. So off i went. The air was not as lifty in some spots as I would have thought and flying down the ridge at the same level as the trees would make some people think, I'm not sure this is smart. Lucky for me I don't have that problem ,so when I was looking up at Covenant college while on the way to the point I just new there was more lift somewhere ahead. There was. The other flyers started passing me on their way back as I was about 15 min. behind. Mike was the last one in front of me. It was his 100th solo flight and his first time to the Point!!! Congrats Mike! I made it turned tail and pulled on some speed to see if I could catch 'em. I didn't as i thought it best to slow down in some of the lifty spots so i could make it all the way back home. I did. It was COLD, 27* was the lowest reading I got, I'd been in the air for about 1hr 15min. and had on my boots that way about 5 pounds each. (when you numb) The LZ was mellow my approach was perfect, my flare for landing was weak, my runout was less than what was needed, my WHACK and muddy knees enjoyed by all!!! Might go do it again today, with a better landing!looking down on a glider getting ready to run off the ramp. Dark spots in front of the blue leading edge (very top of pic.) are the folks helping hold the wing down till the pilot is ready to launch.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Center of the Universe
It has come to my attention that I have posted pictures of my family, friends, my Beautiful Predator, even the dog, BUT have neglected to put up a picture of the CENTER OF MY UNIVERSE! This is my Loverly Wife Lia. The picture is from this last halloween when we pealed off her everyday disguise so she could go as her true self. THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Of course I had to spray a bit of paint on her face so her normal glow wouldn't blind everyone else. It's kinda tough to be married to the center sometimes because everything rotates around her making me dizzy and floating the dogs butts a bit to close to my face at times. Actually I get to be in the center with her most of the time!!! I LOVE HER and I know she Loves me, even more now because I put this pic. on and not one of the GREAT ones I took last summer at the lake! maybe I'll put one of those up later.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow, Cold, and Chocolate Cake
Snowed yesterday, again. 17* this morn. Have to remind my self that this still is Georgia.
Almost 2 inches!!! Our little world is all but shut down. Might try to get up the mtn. today for a flight over the frozen waste land we call home.
This is my folks house. Thats right, it's not winter in this picture. Hope you feel a little warmer just lookin' at it!
We visited my folks last weekend for my fathers 71st birthday. My niece and nephews (Isabella, Jacob, and Jarod) made sure the candles were blown out and that my Dad felt LOVED. actually they didn't let the cake out of their sight. My mother has made this chocolate cake (from scratch) for the last 45 years! It is the best chocolate cake ever!!! If you think your Momma can do better, well, your wrong.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
random pictures so we don't get to bored (maybe)
drive home from Cali. last year. 70 mph. on I-80 passing big rig with shined up hubcapthis was just too damned cute (Isabella and Leanna)
Char-Char on the beach trying to fly her ears
Table bluff California, south end of the Humboldt bay. Pacific ocean view. This was the closest site to me last year. 25 miles from home. Flew here many times, only soared it once though. This day would have been a great day for a hang glider,(blowing 15-20), but since mine was in Georgia I thought I'd try the BAG. Whats the worst that could happen? Seconds after this picture was taken I found myself being dragged into the road towards barbed wire fences and moving cars.(opposite direction for flying). No blood, nothing broke, pride beat down just a bit, but I did have some smarts pumped into my tiny air horny brain. Put the wing away, live to fly another day!!!
Char-Char on the beach trying to fly her ears
Table bluff California, south end of the Humboldt bay. Pacific ocean view. This was the closest site to me last year. 25 miles from home. Flew here many times, only soared it once though. This day would have been a great day for a hang glider,(blowing 15-20), but since mine was in Georgia I thought I'd try the BAG. Whats the worst that could happen? Seconds after this picture was taken I found myself being dragged into the road towards barbed wire fences and moving cars.(opposite direction for flying). No blood, nothing broke, pride beat down just a bit, but I did have some smarts pumped into my tiny air horny brain. Put the wing away, live to fly another day!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Eric D. is flexable
We all know how GREAT a pilot Eric Donaldson is, and how AWESOME an artist he is, a good husband and father, (as far as i can tell). BUT did you know he has the moves of a latin salsa dancer when he gits ALL FIRED UP!? I captured this photo of him last summer during one of these rare, yet riveting moments! I hope you enjoy it as much as he will. : ) I had the chance to follow him off launch again last week. He was working some light lift close to the mtn. I started turning with him, but that boy is just a really good and patient pilot. I left in search mode, Eric stayed with it, Dean funk joined him, the two got up (1400' over) nice flyin' boys) I went and found a dry spot next to the cone for a sweet soft landing, (as opposed to ugly hard landing) and then got to watch them kick my butt! The LZ was holding some water so when the cameras came out Eric thought it best to do his approch draging his foot through the pond! Very cool lil' video on his artandaviation blogspot. (wish i new how to link it). OK, thanks for wastin' your time with me, now go do something productive.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
are we still having fun?
YEP, still here. YEP, still not sure what i'm doin', but i'm OK with that. Never really cared much about technolegy, (or how to spell it) and having this BLOG reminds me why. I'm easily confused and frustrated with computers, video games, cell phones... things with buttons or keys. Call me simple or an idiot or what you want (like my teachers did in high skool) just don't call me to help hook your X-BOX to your T.V. or program a GPS. I was excited about the idea of having a place to show some fun pictures or link to other sites with cool videos that my (techno geek) friends make. BUT, i've lost the pictures I tried to pull off the camera and I don't know how to LINK to other sites yet. I think i'm gonna see my 10 year old nephew this weekend so i'm hopeing he can help me figure this all out. So there you have it. If anyone does look at this, you must be as bored as me, maybe there will be something to look at next week. Till then... go outside and do something!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Disney World is Cold
So... here we are in Disney World in sunny Fla. it's 30* and windy, but yes, it was sunny today. Yesterday it rained for the first part of the day, then just cloudy and COLD! Seemed to keep the crowd down so that was a bonus. Lia made reservations a month back for lunch in Cinderella's castle. She nor her mother had ever eatin' there before, so it was one of the MUST DO'S. We got our picture taken with the Princess and then escourted to the dining room. It was fancy and full of yummy smells and shiney happy people. The food was awesome and the hot chocolate made from real stuff, not packets. I belive there was about $40.00 worth (if not for free refills) drank at our table. Then the desert was over the top rich n chocolatey goodness! BUT my favorite part was the other Princesses walking around visiting all the tables and getting their pictures taken with us. Yea, there was Belle and Snow white... whoever and then there was Jasmine. She looked like a very nice person and really wanted her picture taken with me and Gary. It was a great photo that I wanted to put on this silly space. BUT somewhere in my buttun pushing it seems to have dissapeared into the abyss. (I even wrote down instruction on how to do this) Oh, of course I love Aerial,or Aireal,or Aeriel,.. the little mermaid, but she ain't got legs all the time so she wern't there. and yes of course the rides are always fun!!! I've also come to the thought that if Disney were run by the goverment (properly) our country would be out of dept. This is a world power here. Lots a people from lots a places HAPPY to give anything to get close to the Mouse.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Flyin' to the Point
Me and me Predator over point park Tennessee River, Moccasin Bend
Chattanooga with the shadow of the mountain creepin' on her. Point Park below
almost there.
Eric on his SPEEDY way back home
almost there.
Eric on his SPEEDY way back home
These are some of the first pictures I've ever taken while flying my hang glider. They are from my flight new years day with Eric and Staples (James) to the point. John Christoff flew that day as well but stayed closer to the LZ. He has flown every day since!!! 5 days in a row! It has NOT been above 30* on any of his flights! I think he is my new HERO!!! (bet he shows up again today)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Eric's New Years Video (yea, i'm in it)
I still don't have a clue how i'm s'posed to get pictures from there and try to put them here. or how to use more than two fingers at a time to type, let alone try to make a video and edit it to music i created... but my cool friend Eric does and did, with a flight we had New Years Day!!! That is me at the end making all the noise. I was happy to have brought in the new decade with my friends!!! We had been in the below freezing air for over an hour on a trip to the point of the mtn. and back (over 20 miles round trip). As I was getting ready to set up for my return to earth, I saw several different wind directions from three different indicators. You can hear the excitement in my friends voices (not all my landing are soft) as I decide which way to land. You can find the video at if you care. Maybe he can help me put another pic. up next time.
Friday, January 1, 2010
...but I still don't seem to know how these Bloggy things work. Refer back to first post, till then...
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