Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lucas has posted his AVATAR video that I got to be a part of. The hair and makeup people worked on Eric and I as long as they could, but i'm not sure it was worth all the money Lucas spent on them. I look OK, but they really had a hard time trying to make Eric look cool. Finally we told him to put the hat back on and try not to say to much. I don't think he messed it up to bad.

I have a link to Lucas site over to the right somewhere. Click on that then his video. Then keep up with what he is doing by clicking on his "subscribe" button. Hope you enjoy, leave him a comment and tell him what you think. (he likes it if you make fun of him) or you can watch his videos on YOUTUBE under his "alta8bird" name. whatever way, WATCH 'EM !!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lucas is BLUE and I got 2 fly 2

yes, this image could be disturbing to sensitive viewers. It was for us. I think he liked the outfit so much he slept in it that night. Lil' weirdo.

Friday Lucas asked Eric and I to help him with another video. He bought us lunch and told us our job would be to make fun of him. We both like food and teasing Lucas is already one of our favorite things to do anyway, so we were in. Plus we were going to get to fly! First we had to get the boy ready for the abuse. He came over to my work trailer (in tights) and started putting on makeup. Eric and I started doing our job and Lucas told us it wasn't time yet. (he is in tights with makeup on and it wasn't time to start laughing at him?) I fired up my compressor and sprayed a few lines and dots with the airbrush to finish off his new look. We headed up to the bandit launch and did some filming and laughed alot. There were many other folks who I guess thought they were part of the project because everyone was pointing and laughing at him. Strangers driving down the road were slowing down with their cell phones out the windows taking pictures. We had alot of fun and then got to FLY!!! He should have it all edited sometime soon and will be posting it on his site, I think. I took a picture of him to show my little bit of work but I'm not gonna tell you what his video is about. You might have an idea from the shot.
Flew again yesterday. It was like spring, warm and sunny, lots O' folks set up on launch, and thermals every where!!! Well not every where, but many of us found them. Lots of turning and a little patience and i was watching Eric do his thing (rampdives and BIG wingovers) from above! Got up to 5800 ft. and it was cold. Flew out over the valley and boated around then back to the mtn. where Eric started doing his thing with me. His wing is much faster than mine so he just plays with me like a shark that really isn't hungry, just bored. I thought about unzipping my harness and kicking his glider (or peeing on it) he was so close acouple of times. I have alot of trust in Erics flying skills so I never showed my fear of a midair collision. I let him lead the sky dance. We stayed with each other all the way to the ground landing within seconds of one another. These are the kind of days that make living through a winter in the LZ worth it. Hope it stays like his till fall!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I can't believe that my little brothers oldest child is really turning 11 years old today. How did this happen? It seems like just a few years ago I was painting your Winnie the Pooh room cause your Mom and Dad were gettin' ready to have a cute little baby. Now look whats happened. You for sure are not a baby anymore, your like, over 5 feet tall or something crazy like that. And I'm not sure your that cute either. OH YEA, I'm sure the GIRLS at your school all think your CUTE. and I'd bet that your Mother and Grandparents might call you cute. But your 11 now, and your just about at the point where you might have to accept the fact that maybe your just a Handsome young Man! We are super proud of you and how smart you are getting. Lia and I wish we lived a little closer so we could go have some YUMMY birthday dinner with you tonight, but we don't. I'd like to say that we are gonna come down for the party, but we aren't. I have a job today with my cool friend Lucas. He is making another BIG MONEY video and i'm the only one he trust to help him. (or maybe he thinks I'll do it for free) ANYWAY, if Grandma makes you a cake, could you save a piece or two for us? You can bring 'em up when you come visit. I bet we could get you a hang glider flight if you do!!! or maybe we will just see you when we see you. A tandem flight for your BIRTHDAY? Hum... yea, maybe we can do that!!! This is how happy i am that it's your BIRTHDAY!!! ^
This is what we WOULD LIKE to give you for your BIRTHDAY!!! ^
BUT, this is what we DID get you for your BIRTHDAY!!! I don't think Lia has eaten all the candy yet, and I will hide the money and keep it safe for when we do see you. I hope you enjoy your VIRTUAL birthday card and the HUNDERED dollar bill!!! You've got a printer, don't you? HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We LOVE YOU, from your Uncle Scott and Aunt Lia

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To the POINT and WHACK

It was a COLD and BLOWY kinda day for flyin' but when it's good ya just gotta get it while you can! I think it was 7 of us went up top yesterday afternoon to git our selves a bit of air under our feet. Mike Barbie and JC flew earlier in the day and got SPANKED a bit on the way into the field for thier landings. Watching thier approaches made me want to wait till later in the day so maybe the air could mellow out a little more. It did. I believe it was around 4:30 when the first pilot (Pablo) took to the air. It had mellowed down to 15-20 blowing staight in, so with a little help from our friends (5 man wirecrew) we started getting off launch. I was the 6th one to get off and hung around launch for a bit when I realized half the folks I was flying with were gone. BUGGER ALL. They headed to the point, without me.! I've only made this flight 50 or so times over the years and it never gets old. So off i went. The air was not as lifty in some spots as I would have thought and flying down the ridge at the same level as the trees would make some people think, I'm not sure this is smart. Lucky for me I don't have that problem ,so when I was looking up at Covenant college while on the way to the point I just new there was more lift somewhere ahead. There was. The other flyers started passing me on their way back as I was about 15 min. behind. Mike was the last one in front of me. It was his 100th solo flight and his first time to the Point!!! Congrats Mike! I made it turned tail and pulled on some speed to see if I could catch 'em. I didn't as i thought it best to slow down in some of the lifty spots so i could make it all the way back home. I did. It was COLD, 27* was the lowest reading I got, I'd been in the air for about 1hr 15min. and had on my boots that way about 5 pounds each. (when you numb) The LZ was mellow my approach was perfect, my flare for landing was weak, my runout was less than what was needed, my WHACK and muddy knees enjoyed by all!!! Might go do it again today, with a better landing!looking down on a glider getting ready to run off the ramp. Dark spots in front of the blue leading edge (very top of pic.) are the folks helping hold the wing down till the pilot is ready to launch.
Covenant college on my way back from the point. Still not high, but higher than i was on the way to the point. still snow on top of the mtn. Did I say it was COLD?

The sun was trying to come out in the valley but never did till we was on the ground. It was a pretty sky, this picture doesn't do it justice. Wanted to fly till sunset but was to COLD.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Center of the Universe

It has come to my attention that I have posted pictures of my family, friends, my Beautiful Predator, even the dog, BUT have neglected to put up a picture of the CENTER OF MY UNIVERSE! This is my Loverly Wife Lia. The picture is from this last halloween when we pealed off her everyday disguise so she could go as her true self. THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. Of course I had to spray a bit of paint on her face so her normal glow wouldn't blind everyone else. It's kinda tough to be married to the center sometimes because everything rotates around her making me dizzy and floating the dogs butts a bit to close to my face at times. Actually I get to be in the center with her most of the time!!! I LOVE HER and I know she Loves me, even more now because I put this pic. on and not one of the GREAT ones I took last summer at the lake! maybe I'll put one of those up later.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow, Cold, and Chocolate Cake

Snowed yesterday, again. 17* this morn. Have to remind my self that this still is Georgia.
Almost 2 inches!!! Our little world is all but shut down. Might try to get up the mtn. today for a flight over the frozen waste land we call home.

This is my folks house. Thats right, it's not winter in this picture. Hope you feel a little warmer just lookin' at it!

We visited my folks last weekend for my fathers 71st birthday. My niece and nephews (Isabella, Jacob, and Jarod) made sure the candles were blown out and that my Dad felt LOVED. actually they didn't let the cake out of their sight. My mother has made this chocolate cake (from scratch) for the last 45 years! It is the best chocolate cake ever!!! If you think your Momma can do better, well, your wrong.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

random pictures so we don't get to bored (maybe)

drive home from Cali. last year. 70 mph. on I-80 passing big rig with shined up hubcapthis was just too damned cute (Isabella and Leanna)

Char-Char on the beach trying to fly her ears

Table bluff California, south end of the Humboldt bay. Pacific ocean view. This was the closest site to me last year. 25 miles from home. Flew here many times, only soared it once though. This day would have been a great day for a hang glider,(blowing 15-20), but since mine was in Georgia I thought I'd try the BAG. Whats the worst that could happen? Seconds after this picture was taken I found myself being dragged into the road towards barbed wire fences and moving cars.(opposite direction for flying). No blood, nothing broke, pride beat down just a bit, but I did have some smarts pumped into my tiny air horny brain. Put the wing away, live to fly another day!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eric D. is flexable

We all know how GREAT a pilot Eric Donaldson is, and how AWESOME an artist he is, a good husband and father, (as far as i can tell). BUT did you know he has the moves of a latin salsa dancer when he gits ALL FIRED UP!? I captured this photo of him last summer during one of these rare, yet riveting moments! I hope you enjoy it as much as he will. : ) I had the chance to follow him off launch again last week. He was working some light lift close to the mtn. I started turning with him, but that boy is just a really good and patient pilot. I left in search mode, Eric stayed with it, Dean funk joined him, the two got up (1400' over) nice flyin' boys) I went and found a dry spot next to the cone for a sweet soft landing, (as opposed to ugly hard landing) and then got to watch them kick my butt! The LZ was holding some water so when the cameras came out Eric thought it best to do his approch draging his foot through the pond! Very cool lil' video on his artandaviation blogspot. (wish i new how to link it). OK, thanks for wastin' your time with me, now go do something productive.